Federal budget sheds little light on CFIA staffing issues says union president

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While the PSAC may be correct in its assessment that Gerry Ritz and the feds are "lying down on the job" when it comes to a shortage of CFIA inspectors, the hard-working Hereford cows in the picture, and the Canadian beef industry itself, definitely are not and, indeed, can not, because they don't have the pampered lifestyle afforded by the 200% tariff barriers coddling the dairy industry.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Ah yes Canadian beef farmers the folks who have fought hard to keep their industry free of supply management. Proud individualists, they have chosen to try to cope with subsidies and unfair trade practices from other countries. How's that working out? Not so good? Ok well the solution now is to bash supply management and the people who chose it as a way to create a stable industry.

Does anyone know how much bailout money the pork industry has been handed by
taxpayers since supply management has been around? Add to that the number of suppliers who lost money to pork producer insolvencies.

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