Bee deaths prompt insecticide re-evaluation

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Pest Management Regulatory Agency launches review after ‘acute poisoning’ of bees in 2011 and 2012


It is hard to understand that something else is the problem when the bees started dying in 1.5 hours after corn was planted when the bees were forced to stay in thier hive because of the weather. Read the science it is not good for invertebrates ether.

In S. W. Ont., I check for moths at night. Many honey bees are found on milkweed flowers during the night, instead of in their hives. Perhaps another symptom of contamination.

As a beekeeper and crop farmer I believe the chemicals should be applied to the seed as a coating that does not create dust. It is virtually impossible to avoid inhaling some dust while handling the seed and wind can carry soil borne chemical to people in rural areas and give them exposure. I know of too many farmers who became very ill in the past from dust containing root worm pesticide.

Several European countries have already banned use of these products since 2008 because they were determined to be the cause of severe bee mortality. Are their scientists not to be believed? Do we have to dither on and on while our beekeepers suffer losses? Come you 'doubting Thomases', get these killer products off the market!
Fred Keul - a beekeeper

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