Artisanal cheese, please

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All of these seemingly-fine folks have completely, and conveniently, ignored the fact that if the cheese-producing artisan was living and working in upstate New York instead of in rural Ontario, people living in Niagara region, could simply cross the border to buy this "local" cheese at a fraction of the price they'd pay here.

Furthermore, the Government of Ontario continues to have a distorted view of basic economics when it plans to "build Ontario up" by continuing to allow supply management to grind consumers down. The easiest way to "build Ontario up" would be to unshackle consumers from the millstone of supply management.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

While we're at it - let's ignore effective US border tariffs, their virtual prohibition on imports, the billions of dollars of distorting impact of the U.S. Commodity Credit Corporation and the existence of the US Farm Bill.

More of the same old supply management propaganda - ignore that supply management
(1) screws consumers,
(2) pits farmers against each other,
(3) acts as drag on the economy

by resorting to acting like a pre-schooler when caught with his hand in the cookie-jar - "I only took two cookies, he took three".

Sigh, the arguments proffered by supply management supporters are always so-one sided, and so, so selfish.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

A man who attacks people instead of their arguments, repeats the same arguments over and over then tells everyone he is the smartest in the room railing against the perceived childishness of others. Funny. In the words of my five year old "It takes one to know one"

Only thing worse is the fact that the Ontario Liberals and an Ontario Farm Org are full speed ahead with more Green Energy and now Climate Change .
This will only add up to even higher electricity bills that will make SM look like chump change !

Green energy doesn't look quite so stupid given the China US accord that was announced this week.

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