Better Pork |December 2023

23 The Business of Canadian Hog Farming Better Pork | December 2023 needs can result in soil P levels well above agronomic requirements and cause environmental issues. Therefore, a nutrient management plan that considers soil testing, crop yield goals and environmental conditions is essential for determining the appropriate use of these nutrients in swine manure. 4R management of swine manure Systematic manure management includes collection, storage, treatment, handling, transport and application of manure. In this article, we primarily focus on how we can better improve nutrient efficiency during the application stage through a 4R Nutrient Stewardship (i.e., right rate, right source, right placement, right time). Right rate: Focuses on applying swine manure at the correct rate to match the nutrient needs of the crops being grown, avoiding over-application that can lead to nutrient runoff and pollution. To obtain maximum benefits for the soil and crop, manure application rates should be based on a manure analysis, soil characteristics and nutrient requirements of the crop to be grown. Right source: Involves selecting the appropriate swine manure as a nutrient source, taking into account its nutrient content, composition and quality. Liquid swine manure generally contains a lower nutrient content than solid manures due to the dilution effect. Solid manure also contains more organic matter that can slowly release nutrients through their decomposition. Liquid manure often requires specialized equipment for uniform and precise application. Right placement: Proper placement of swine manure involves applying it in a way that maximizes nutrient retention by the soil and minimizes nutrient loss to water bodies, reducing the risk of nutrient pollution. Both liquid and solid manure should be incorporated into the soil as soon as possible after application to minimize nutrient loss through volatilization and runoff. Injection of manure can greatly reduce ammonia (NH3) volatilization and runoff losses and increase crop use of N compared to surface placement. The low disturbance openers are suitable for liquid manure application in both annual crops and forages. Right time: Timing is crucial in 4R management. Swine manure should be applied at the right time in the crop's growth cycle to ensure optimal nutrient uptake and minimize environmenXiaopeng Gao photo SWINE RESEARCH GOLDEN LAMPSHADE 110V OR 220V INJECT HDN D3 IDEAL DETECTABLE NEEDLESS CIMA SCALE FOR PIG IN MOUVEMENT MAXX TRACTOR FOR DEAD ANIMAL AND MORE 110V or 220V NEW!! NEW!! NEW!! KONK 550ML BEST ONE University of Manitoba intern student Roman Song samples gas from manure in a lab incubation study.