Better Pork |December 2023

33 Pork News & Views Pork News & Views Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Better Pork | December 2023 new market (such as food pro- duct labels, preparation of nu- tritional panels and other requi- red label information for domes- tic and international markets and trade issues)  third-party advisory services for new product development activities  third-party services for imple- mentation of a business or marketing plan to access or expand into a new market This is a cost shared initiative therefore processors and producers can receive 50% of eligible project costs up to $60,000, while an industry organization is eligible to receive 50% of costs up to $125,000. This initiative is on-going as of May 19, 2023. Promoting Agriculture and Food Careers Initiative The purpose of this initiative is to generate interest in careers in the agriculture and food sector through Agricultural Societies. This is done two ways:  Option 1: Agricultural societies can receive $500 per Fair day to display and distribute pre-exis- ting materials  Option 2: Agricultural societies can receive up to $1,500 per year to create their own promotional materials and activities This initiative closes March 31, 2026 Biosecurity Enhancement Initiative This initiative aims to create resiliency within the agriculture and food sector by addressing biosecurity risks and enhancing emergency preparedness. It provides funding opportunities to key agriculture industry businesses, including Producers, Processors, and Service Providers. This initiative has two projects relevant to pork producers and processors: 1. Reduce animal health risks in a measurable and proven way through the physical set up of production areas, practices, testing, monitoring and management along with operations assessments/plans and education or training. This is cost shared initiative with up to 35% of eligible costs with a project cap of $50,000. 2. Provide support to livestock producers and service providers so they can improve traceability equipment and processes. Eligible activities will enhance the protection of animal health, public health, and food safety, as well as prepare livestock producers and service providers for emerging regulatory and market standards. This is cost shared initiative with up to 35% of eligible costs with a project cap of $50,000. This initiative is open until January 6, 2025 or until funds last. Increasing Deadstock Capacity The purpose of the Increasing Deadstock Capacity Initiative is to provide cost-share funding support for deadstock management to address immediate and shortterm deadstock capacity needs in Ontario by increasing capacity and improving sustainability. The Agricultural Adaptation Council (AAC) is delivering the initiative on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. This is a cost shared initiative with up to 40% of eligible costs covered up to $100,000. Furthermore, each applicant is limited to three projects.  Eligible projects are as follows:  Planning and assessment activi- ties to determine capacity opti- ons and contingency plan- ning for licensed activities under Ontario Regulation 105/09 (i.e., rendering, collection, compos- ting, traceability management, biosecurity measures, etc.) and for municipalities  Purchasing, retrofitting, and/ or modifying equipment to haul, store, or collect deadstock  Retrofitting or modifying site for transfer stations, rendering, sal- vaging, and composting  Activities for construction or modifications related to increa- sing deadstock disposal capacity (e.g., new rendering or com posting capacity, compliance with regulatory requirements) The $1.5 million Initiative will run for two years from September 21, 2023 and end on February 1, 2025. Ontario Agri-Food Research Initiative The Ontario Agri-Food Research Initiative (OAFRI) provides funding for agri-food research and innovation projects in Ontario. The goals of the initiative are to fund demand-driven research and innovation activities in the agri-food sector; support the sector’s resiliency and facilitate sustainable growth; improve knowledge or technology to address business challenges; and expand market opportunities locally and globally. OAFRI has four funding streams to support research and innovation projects aimed at providing solutions for Ontario’s agri-food sector. The four steams are applied research; pilot and demonstration; commercialization; and knowledge translation and transfer. The deadline to submit to any of the OAFRI streams is January 11, 2024. For more information on any initiative or program please visit the SCAP website for more details, updates and application guidelines (