Boar tracking a wild proposition says producer

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These Wild Pigs need to be GPS tracked and monitored. The amount of risk there is to these animals getting outside their enclosures and establishing a wild population is high especially if they are kept outside 'in the bush'. One not need look far to the south to see the BILLIONS of dollars of crop and wood-lot damage these pigs can do if they get established in the wild. While tagging may be a challenge, eradication of a feral hog population is nearly impossible. FIGURE IT OUT FOR THE SAKE OF THE REST OF US!!!

This guy just does not want to do what he is supposed to do . If these animals are so dangerous how does he ever get them loaded and unloaded at the abattoir and then killing them with out getting killed him self . If they are so dangerous then they should be outlawed !

Seems to me, not being a liberal voter, that most people, do not understand where their protein comes from. It's not from the sun, althouigh indirectly, it's not from your local liberal candidate, it is from the animals that we raise to be culled as food for you idiots that think that the food we protect for your consumption should be outlawed because some poor fool got in the way of a boar getting his want to reproduce on with a good looking sow,(TO HIM),maybe,,,,,lets get rid of farmers. If they are so dangerous then they should be outlawed!
Stan Thayer
Dunvegan Ont.

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