Hazards on the farm

© AgMedia Inc.

A labour group and Ontario’s labour minister dispute the effectiveness of Ontario’s farm safety inspection program

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Unfortunately, and as always, it's going to cost the blood of some easily-preventable deaths of farm workers, to provide the catalyst for change.

Unfortunately, many farmers probably won't notice, or care, about these things, but government will, and the rules they enact, and enforce, will make the cost of labour unions on the farm seem trivial by comparison.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON (proud former member of the Energy and Chemical Workers Union)

"many farmers probably won't notice or care about these things". Safety is a high priority for farmers and their employees and their actions show that.
Just like with any other profession, there are some who do not follow the rules but do not put everyone in the same boat.

Comment modified by editors

The number of day workers I have fired because of a single safety transgression is nuts. It costs me a huge amount of money to retrain the replacements ... but it beats someone going home without fingers, or in a box.

Unfortunately, if safety really was a high priority for farmers, it would be reflected by the WSIB premiums we pay.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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