Province revamps property re-assessment process

© AgMedia Inc.

The province is making plans to amend the property re-assessment process, just in time for a two-year hiatus to end.


we are at 3100 Dorchester Rd Dorchester,ON. We pay for 50x100 lots and there is not one lot that is 100 ft
when asked MPAC said the land lord supplied the info and they have never done a on site assessment and they have value of 12,300 on the full lot but we only have 3/4 or less size lot so when will MPAC have to do assessment and treat us fair as last year the total bill was $42,000 for the 42 acres and our total of 6 1/2 acres the landlord collected from us 41,000. She rents out part for farm land and has two building that she claims no value so pays no taxes on the office and pumping station, house at the front.
If MPAC did do an assessment it would make it fair for many seniors that do not know how to fight for fairness.
Thank for any help you can undertake.
Neil Smith

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