Ontario’s soaring land costs means fewer farmers and hurdles for new farmers: NFU

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A new report indicates farmland land value increases of more than 20 per cent in many areas


When you see ads telling the public that farmland investments return better than GIC'c or other securities, farmers know they are competing against a larger market for farmland.

Farm investment trusts are becoming far too common. Speculators reap the reward of capital appreciation and get rental income on top. What's the downfall? Our government don't care about farmers. Its investments they care about.

Increased investments feathers Queen's Park coffers. Imported food is cheaper than keeping domestic farmers.

Its about the money. Nothing more, nothing less.

There has been a steady decline in the number of farmers for years.

The price of land is a small component in the larger producer picture.

The good thing about the high price of land is the fact older farmers will gracefully gain a decent pension and I say "Good for them".

Don't be so sure ... Greenbelt "protection of farmland" has slaughtered farmland pricing, but not taxes. Think it took farmland trusts long to figure out don't invest in greenbelt farmland? a political and bureaucratic wet dream legacy born by farm families of the greenbelt

The biggest concern is the repeated appearance presented by the public that the public is buying into the 'big lie' that the government is separate from the people. The people elect, hire and pay these 'public servants'! Remember this! Government suggests 'rulers' and ruled' whereas the the truth is the elected, hired and tax paid work for the people whose resources and power they administer FOR the people. Hirelings have no business making policy, rules, regulations, by-laws , and laws. We elect people for this purpose and they are all public administrators. The people are the rulers!

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