
Engineering: Humidity and Moisture Effects on Your Barn. Are You Aware?

Moisture buildup can cause your roof to collapse. Barn attics should be checked regularly


Imagine waking up in the middle of night with a steady drip of water onto your bed. Would you fix it quickly? Would you want to know why it occurred?

Moisture can quickly destroy just about any non-stainless, plastic or concrete component in a swine barn if left unchecked. Roof trusses and other roof components are likely to be attacked by moisture to some degree in all barns. Yet, they are rarely, if ever, inspected.

Engineering: What energy saving incentives are available for your farm?

Here are several places to look for help in cutting your energy costs. Make sure that you are eligible and that you follow all steps in the process 


The energy world is continuing to evolve at a fast pace. The purpose of this article is to let swine farmers know that there are financial incentives to assist them with energy improvements on the farm.

It is important to ensure that you are eligible and that you follow all the steps before any purchase to ensure that you are not disqualified. 

Ontario Power Authority.
Most, if not all, farms in Ontario are covered. However, your local Electrical Distribution Company (LDC) must be a participant or you will not be eligible.