NFU breakaway group eyes GFO status

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Despite a low initial turnout the new group’s president says he’s optimistic GFO status is possible


Many prospective members of this new organization will currently be members of one of the other farm organizations, and won't want their names to be made public, even if/when this new organization receives accreditation. In addition, the demographic profile of a prospective member would be younger, totally anti-supply management, and too busy trying to make a living to come to this, or any, meeting - and would be best recruited by social media and/or similar means. Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Well I was glad to hear that the PRACTICAL FARMERS OF ONTARIO, has got things up and running and by the looks of there new board of directors, they are really going to give groups like the NFU a run for its money. If the PFO group is able to make the strides they hope to i can see the NFU losing its spot in Ontario, not good news for the NFU. My thoughts are that farmers are keen for a new voice, a voice that will be a leader and not a follower, by what ive read the PFO is will be a great leader, lets hope so as the time is ripe for strong farm leadership.


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