Beef Farmers awards recognize farmers in Grey and Bruce Counties

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How much did it cost the taxpayer with no land to help these wonderful folk win their awards?
How many government taxpayer funded programs did you tap into to win these awards?
If you did it in your own-then kudos to you.
If I had to pay for it -then kudos to me. (taxpayer)

Agree with previous comment. If he did it all on his own, he can take a bow. If he used tax-payer funding then he's just another bum.

They are the ones that get the peoples money to do the projects in the first place , the big guys. I tried to get money and always told it ran out or you done the project to early or to late. People that has other high paying job and has a farm on the side which is paid for by the high paying job is not a true blood farmer and likely have hired hands doing most of the work either at their business or on their farm when they are at one place or the other.

I find it most disturbing that these negative comments about how the resipients of these awards achieved their results. The public is greatly influenced by the various save the world groups, but still want their modern transit systems funded by all tax payers! But complain that a business trying to find the means to be environmentally conscious and make a living should not be able to use the offered assistance. We can not have it both ways. If you the public want to save what is believed vital environmental lands then you have to be prepared to subsidize the farming community whether a small farmer or large farmer thank you for letting me voice my thoughts.

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