Take tillage into account if planning IP soybean crop


Volunteer corn will be a bigger issue in 2010 than in 2009. This will affect you if you plan on growing IP (identity preserved) soys in 2010. Current IP soy premiums suggest there will be a significant IP soy acreage in Ontario in 2010.
The tillage you do this fall or next spring will affect the amount of volunteer corn you have. This past fall a lot of corn acres received some type of tillage that shallowly buried some of the corn stalks, cobs and grain. If this tillage was not mould boarding it will lead to more volunteer corn in 2010.

If your soys are crusher beans this is not an issue. If you have Roundup Ready soys then you can tank mix a product with the glyphosate of your choice to control volunteer corn.
If you have IP soys you may have to make a couple of trips to control volunteer corn. You cannot have any corn in IP soys delivered to the elevator.

Late emerging corn plants will make harvesting more difficult. It can result in mud tag (dust stuck to beans because of moisture in the combine from wet weeds) even if there is no ear on the corn plant.

The best way to deal with volunteer corn in IP soys is to mould board plough. The next best way is true no-tilling by leaving all the corn kernels and cobs on the surface. Mother Nature will control most of them. If you just do some type of reduced tillage this fall or next spring you will plant the unharvested kernels. BF

Posted on: 
December 7, 2009

Pat Lynch CCA (ON) is an independent crop consultant with over 35 years experience in Ontario agriculture. If you wish to ask specific crop production questions or respond directly to Pat, email him at patrick.lynch@ sympatico.ca

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