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Better Farming Ontario Featured Articles

Better Farming Ontario magazine is published 11 times per year. After each edition is published, we share featured articles online.

Behind the Lines - October 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

It's no surprise that, since rural electrification was completed in Ontario in the middle of the last century, farmers have come to depend as much upon reliable and abundant power as they do on the sun and rain.

It may be a surprise, though, that promises of working with power retailers to save on costs can be an expensive experience, and that more electrical rate shocks are on the way as Hydro One Networks Inc., which delivers power to more than 91,000 farm properties in the province, introduces "time of use" charges.

Field editor Mary Baxter explores the ins and outs of electricity contracting in this month's cover story starting on page 10.

October marks our annual environmental issue, in which we list and examine spills and bypasses from municipal sewage treatment plants across the province. We began this series of reports in 2000, the year of Walkerton and the peak of the environmental backlash against livestock agriculture in Ontario. Many other media have followed our ongoing coverage, but readers tell us that the need for this information has not gone away.

The environment continues to be an issue, particularly where agricultural and non-agricultural interests clash in recreational areas. We know that farming tends to carry the blame, justly or otherwise, particularly when beaches are polluted.

Last spring, the environment pressure group Ecojustice, formerly known as the Sierra Legal Defence Fund, garnered a lot of exposure for the issue when it released a report concluding that sewage spills, bypasses and combined sewer overflows aren't good for rivers or lakes where they are discharged and may be a threat to the health of Ontarians.

On another subject of environmental interest, Vancouver based technical writer Peter Ion reports on the advances made in producing oil from algae ("oilgae") and the promise this holds as a new revenue source for farmers. This story can be found on page 37.

Back to the subject of milestones, this fall marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of Better Farming in November 1999. Next month, we plan to revisit some of the issues that were in the forefront then.

After its regular summer hiatus, our popular Crop Scene Investigation challenge returns this month on page 52. If you can figure out what damaged Matthew's corn send us your answer and you could be the winner of a weather station.

Of course, this summer you didn't need a weather station to know there was something wrong with the weather. If you're wondering what caused the problem, Henry Hengeveld has some answers this month in his regular weather feature. BF

Robert Irwin & Don Stoneman

Current Issue

February 2025

Better Farming Magazine Breaking News

Farmers—protect yourself from fraud

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay It can happen to anybody. It doesn’t matter how safe you are or how smart you are; there’s always a chance you are going to get scammed over something. And the agricultural community is no exception. One of the latest instances involves... Read this article online

Canadian tech leads the way for egg gender testing

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash Canadian Egg Technologies and MatrixSpec Solutions Inc. have announced that their technology is delivering accurate in-ovo gender determination for white and brown eggs as early as the fourth day of incubation. Called a transformative breakthrough for... Read this article online

Nortera celebrates $25M expansion

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Nortera, a North American leader in frozen and canned vegetable processing, has celebrated the $25 million expansion of its Wright Street frozen warehouse in Strathroy, Ontario. This investment directly supports the local economy by sustaining over 270 jobs and strengthening... Read this article online

Profitable Pastures 2025 webinar series

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Ontario Forage Council (OFC) has announced that its is back, providing best management practices for pasture and grazing managers. There will be three webinars airing daily from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm EST over March 4-6, 2025. Registration is required, but there is no cost to... Read this article online

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