Our products are safe say greenhouse vegetable growers Wednesday, June 1, 2011 by SUSAN MANNExtensive coverage of deaths in Europe from a mysterious bacteria linked to eating raw vegetables has prompted an Ontario grower organization to reassure consumers here eating provincially-grown produce is safe.George Gilvesy, general manager of Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers (OGVG), says they haven’t received calls from consumers but they have been following the international and national press coverage on the matter. “We felt that we wanted to get out to our consumers to make sure they feel some comfort,” he says.Will the situation in Europe affect vegetable sales in Ontario? Gilvesy says they hope not. In a press release issued today, OGVG says Ontario greenhouse vegetable products are safe. Provincial growers are required to follow strict food safety requirements, including regular third-party audits, as part of meeting their licensing requirements. The organization assures consumers Ontario-grown greenhouse vegetables are produced according to the highest food safety standards.OGVG recommends consumers look for the "Product of Canada" or "Product of Ontario" designation on their produce labels to ensure they are buying Ontario-grown greenhouse vegetables. In Germany, 18 people have died and more than 2,000 people have fallen ill during the past month due to an outbreak of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli bacteria. The source of outbreak isn’t known but German authorities have warned consumers in that country against eating raw vegetables. BF Grain elevator tax class disputed New vertical tillage tools help combat crop residue
Farmers—protect yourself from fraud Thursday, February 6, 2025 Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay It can happen to anybody. It doesn’t matter how safe you are or how smart you are; there’s always a chance you are going to get scammed over something. And the agricultural community is no exception. One of the latest instances involves... Read this article online
Canadian tech leads the way for egg gender testing Wednesday, February 5, 2025 Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash Canadian Egg Technologies and MatrixSpec Solutions Inc. have announced that their technology is delivering accurate in-ovo gender determination for white and brown eggs as early as the fourth day of incubation. Called a transformative breakthrough for... Read this article online
Nortera celebrates $25M expansion Wednesday, February 5, 2025 Nortera, a North American leader in frozen and canned vegetable processing, has celebrated the $25 million expansion of its Wright Street frozen warehouse in Strathroy, Ontario. This investment directly supports the local economy by sustaining over 270 jobs and strengthening... Read this article online
Profitable Pastures 2025 webinar series Wednesday, February 5, 2025 The Ontario Forage Council (OFC) has announced that its is back, providing best management practices for pasture and grazing managers. There will be three webinars airing daily from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm EST over March 4-6, 2025. Registration is required, but there is no cost to... Read this article online
OFA says farmers appreciate risk management program funding Increase Monday, February 3, 2025 Ontario farmers are expressing their support for the January 28, 2025, announcement that the provincial government is expanding risk management funding for farmers. Over the next three years, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness is phasing in a $100 million... Read this article online