Pigs on the rampage Friday, April 3, 2009 What is hairy, tusked, weighs up to 300 pounds, and can wreck a pasture, a fence, a golf course or a car?A wild pig, and Texas claims to be home to two million of the critters.According to Associated Press reports, wild pigs caused $52 million in crop damage last year in Texas alone. Ranchers hired 1,100 licensed hunters shooting them from helicopters, but pig numbers keep growing so state representative Sid Miller proposed issuing licenses to weekend sportsmen to increase the kill. Other methods, such as traps, have failed and birth control is still being developed.Not everyone is a fan. Some fear a hunter may shoot a calf or a dog by mistake.Spanish explorers introduced the wild pigs' ancestors more than 300 years ago. Numbers have exploded since the 1980s. Texas is about four-fifths the size of the province of Ontario and vast rural areas area thinly populated at best. BF Technology that reduces crop insurance premiums Agricultural labour law challenge on hold
Re-defining waste in Canada Friday, January 17, 2025 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has provided an update on some of its ongoing research in biomass and bioproducts. Biomass is a renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals, including crops grown for non-food uses, leaves and stalks, fruit skins, and... Read this article online
Canada's 2024 crop harvest insights Friday, January 17, 2025 The 2024 Canadian crop harvest showed mixed results says Statistics Canada, with some crops performing exceptionally well, while others faced challenges. It is the time of year when farmers have a chance to reflect on last year's harvest and prepare for the upcoming season. Wheat... Read this article online
Poilievre pledges to reverse the harmful capital gains tax hike Friday, January 17, 2025 Tax cuts for economic growth in Canada Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre has pledged to reverse the tax hike on capital gains introduced by the NDP-Liberal government in June 2024. This tax increase, which raises the capital gains tax inclusion rate to 66%, has been widely... Read this article online
The tax impact on farmers of proroguing Parliament Friday, January 17, 2025 The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) is advising farmers to be cautious when preparing their taxes this year. With Prime Minister Trudeau stepping down and proroguing Parliament until March 24,Ontario farmers are learning the suspension ofparliament impacts various proposed... Read this article online
Parliament’s shut down leaves farmers vulnerable Thursday, January 16, 2025 In March 2025, Canada's agriculture sector and broader supply chain will face a another setback with the expiration of the extended interswitching pilot program. With Parliament prorogued until March 24th, there is effectively no opportunity to renew or make the program permanent before... Read this article online