'Supergrain' leads to conflict in Peru Wednesday, May 2, 2012 The price of the "supergrain" quinoa went through the roof in the winter and so did tempers, according to police in the Peruvian state of Oruro. At least 30 people were reported injured during a fight where rocks and dynamite were used as two communities fought over land to grow the grain. Farmland in Oruro is owned by communities, not by individuals. According to Associated Press, Bolivia produces almost half the world's quinoa and the price has nearly tripled in the last five years. The Oruro fight is not just about the money, though. It's also about a land rush, wild-west style, with climate change as a factor. Because of warming trends, land that used to be too cold for quinoa is now less subject to frequent frosts. Quinoa grows at altitudes of over 13,000 feet in the Andes and can handle frosts at all times except flowering. Quinoa is prized because of its high nutritive values compared to cereals. BF Domestically raised queens not promiscuous enough Agriculture's Graduate Shortfall: 'We should be graduating three times as many students as we are now'
Re-defining waste in Canada Friday, January 17, 2025 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has provided an update on some of its ongoing research in biomass and bioproducts. Biomass is a renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals, including crops grown for non-food uses, leaves and stalks, fruit skins, and... Read this article online
Canada's 2024 crop harvest insights Friday, January 17, 2025 The 2024 Canadian crop harvest showed mixed results says Statistics Canada, with some crops performing exceptionally well, while others faced challenges. It is the time of year when farmers have a chance to reflect on last year's harvest and prepare for the upcoming season. Wheat... Read this article online
Poilievre pledges to reverse the harmful capital gains tax hike Friday, January 17, 2025 Tax cuts for economic growth in Canada Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre has pledged to reverse the tax hike on capital gains introduced by the NDP-Liberal government in June 2024. This tax increase, which raises the capital gains tax inclusion rate to 66%, has been widely... Read this article online
The tax impact on farmers of proroguing Parliament Friday, January 17, 2025 The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) is advising farmers to be cautious when preparing their taxes this year. With Prime Minister Trudeau stepping down and proroguing Parliament until March 24,Ontario farmers are learning the suspension ofparliament impacts various proposed... Read this article online
Parliament’s shut down leaves farmers vulnerable Thursday, January 16, 2025 In March 2025, Canada's agriculture sector and broader supply chain will face a another setback with the expiration of the extended interswitching pilot program. With Parliament prorogued until March 24th, there is effectively no opportunity to renew or make the program permanent before... Read this article online