Egg industry whistleblower withheld evidence from court-ordered supervisor: judge

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A information technology specialist who released information from his former employer, Ontario’s second largest egg grader, to regulatory authorities and other members of the industry interfered with the business of the court, an Oshawa judge rules


July 29, 2011
Order to pay court costs thrown out in egg industry civil suit
An Ontario Superior Court Justice has tossed out a motion to hold egg industry whistleblower Norman Bourdeau in contempt of a court

fast forward over a long weekend...

August 2, 2011
An Ontario Superior Court Justice has found self-described whistleblower Norman Bourdeau was in contempt of a court order when he disseminated documents dealing with his former employer’s egg grading business last

One has to wonder where the disconnect is in the courts or the reporting of the news.

In a four day interval over a long weekend with courts and most law firms closed, how can such conflicting reports of superior court rulings both be based in law or accurate?

To keep messing around like this will result in a mis-trial to which I am sure OFPMC and an egg minister will breath a collective sigh of relief with no justice served to anyone.

It might appear the egg minister and OFPMC's in trust duty of protective marketing for the consuming public, is pressure mapping a very hilly, crooked road to justice.

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