‘Business as usual’ at building company’s Ontario dealership

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The doors are open and projects are going ahead despite its parent company’s decision to seek bankruptcy protection last week, says Cover-All Buildings of Ontario’s general manager


Have there been any problems with the buildings in Ontario? Hogervorst says no.

I know of one documented case of a cover-all falling down in just over a year in operation in Bradford Ontario.

It on public record. On their site look it up.

So at least acknowledge that there have been problems.

Not whitewash or deny deny deny.

Everything is sweetness and light.

Not a good way to do business.


In response to an email inquiry about the alleged collapse, Jenifer Sarver, Cover-All responds: "Unfortunately, I do not have additional details to provide at this time."

Per a review of the financial statements that are on the web site, the assets total includes an item called goodwill in the amount of $95 million. Net realizable assets would be closer to $46 million against $96 million in debt.Debt to equity ratio would be roughly 1.71 which may indicate more of a problem. That in light of the potential legal problems for the titan building as indicated may be cause for concern.

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