‘How can the farmers force somebody to pay them on time?’

© AgMedia Inc.

Citing dwindling number of beef buyers, Grey-Bruce feeder coops argue farmers shouldn’t have to enforce financial protection rules


but no political will. There are a number of smaller organizations, like the Holland Marsh Growers' Association in Simcoe County, pressing for a PACA-like trust system to be put into this province because livestock isn't the only sector that deals with this problem. At issue, while there is now some movement amongst the province's bureacracy, it is the feds backing away. Investigate the PACA system in the U.S. It actually helps out the farmer - and if there were a similar system, imagine the cash flow returning to the farmer. It is very easy for packers, middle men, even, dare we say it, retailers, to make money on the backs of farmers who are not even getting paid for the last load they brought in before these same facilities were demanding new ones. And what, as indicated in the story, are the options to farmers. Numbers are limited. Maybe the radical idea that we should all take the year off would work - if we had been paid for all of the stuff we already shipped out.

Time to face facts mr farmer, its not what you know but who you know. Shame on all for we are self serving.

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