‘We will contact the federal government again if needed’

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Ontario’s Agriculture Minister responds to drought aid request

photo: Ted McMeekin


Isn't droughts,floods,ect. the reason we buy crop insurance,RMP,Agri-stability,ect. Don't complain about land costs or rents if government removes all risk . Sounds like farmers want to be on welfare and still have multi million dollar net worths. Many years ago Russia tried to do away with all risks and they called it communism

Farmers need to give their heads a shake, you have ability to take crop insuranace you are protected, farmers want it both ways, sell land for high prices offset cheap land taxes then cry for drought aid

Give your head a shake. Crop insurance for most commodities simply does not work. It cost next to nothing for the government to supply crop insurance because of re-insurance and farmers premiums.

Farmers only retirement plan is their land assets. Why shouldn't they sell it for the highest price? Would you sell your house to the lowest bidder?

Well said!! 85 % of 85% insurance amounts to less than cost of production but to be eligible for most financing, insurance is a mandatory requirement.

No one feels the same a passion or need to cap housing prices but everyone feels the need to deflate ag land pricing. If corn at 4.00 commanded rent of 200.00 why should near 10.00 corn not command 500.00? Rent is a function of worth abeit short term

In this GTA area with rising housing too many farmers have near traded farms for a house in town diminishing any retirement for him or his family. If land just like stocks is an investment why should a farmer not be able to gain just as the balance of the business society does?

Capping ag land value is the very reason commodity pricing does not follow true COP numbers with true cost lines included and makes farming and farms second class. Pay me what I am worth and I will deliver a quality dependable product. Discount my worth and my worth in comparison to the rest of society and you will get just that, discount food and quality.

We will just have to wait a year till next year to see were crop prices settle out at ,but we should expect to pay more for imputs. The usa farm bill is being gutted , there is no reason after the november election to give farmers favor because the votes are in. They dont want to raise interest rates, so the big economic problem face is there. Inflation or deflation or more the same till money runs out

Plain and simple todays farmers are modern using todays methods

Never seen anything in these posts about capping land prices , just what happens when land prices get out of control.If crop ins., 90% x float does not give you enough"protection" to day your costs are way out of line..By the way if gov't funds is the game people want then we should go down the main street of every little town and bail out merchants,gas stations,varietie stores,ice cream stands,feed companies.............

No point of caping land prices , farmers would just get more greedy, the economic world macro cycles will balance things out in due time as history repeats. The only problem is most people only get one chance per life time.
Never fear the Liberals and Concervative have our best interest in vision

Over your life in farming you see many crop seasons and when it is near over you look back and say Wow .
When you see people put in charge of agriculture you expect good management and common sense. I could say more on agricultures political and economic kissy,kissy but BT would edit it

When was the last time we got a good agriculture minister? What is the classification of a good minister?
HOW WOULD YOU RATE the agriculture ministers of the last decade?
Why is it our country had the money to build infastrucure in the last centry and now starting a new centry with all the educated people with high tec we cannot maintain and afford to replace time ravaged infastructure?

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