Ag ministers cut AgriStability funding

© AgMedia Inc.

Reduced contributions to AgriInvest and more funding for innovation and market development will be features of Canada’s new agricultural policy framework

photo: Gerry Ritz

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How can one possibly predict the weather and what it may throw at us in the future. We just had worst drought in 60 years in 2012 and needed funding to bail out some farmers in these tough times and yet a quarter to half funding is cut same year. Doesn't take intelligence to know that this is not a good idea and the repercussions from this funding cut will be devastating in the near future. Too stuck on now need to think about the future. Think outside the box!!

I am a Sask farmer. It was the federal and provincial governments that convinced us to get into this program. They said that they would not have ad-hoc programs in the future and that agristability program would a good revenue stability program. So we all signed up and made our commitments to it including the extra accounting costs. Now those same governments drop out of their commitment. They know full well the drop from 85% to 70% means they have little chance of ever paying out much in this program. As commodity prices decline over the next few years farmers net incomes will drop and their net margin coverage average will as well . This will make the program come to a slow death. I now have even less respect for political people that lie to your face, taking that most people are stupid and they won't notice some changes. Maybe we are as they seem to get re-elected.

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