Agricorp decision reserved

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Somebody received a $500,000 over payment and neither he nor his accountant or Agricorp noticed it. Sounds a little fishy but then I do know a guy that got an overpayment and agreed with Aricorop to just deduct it off future claims. They never did deduct it which was around $5,000

A $500,000.00 oopsie mistake overpayment by some one at Agricorp . Hhmmm. I guess there was nothing learned from the Audit of Agricorp .
Best thing that needs to happen now is an Audit of OMAFRA . Since OMAFRA actually controls Agricorp I am sure there would be some cover ups to be found .

Bet their income is multi-million a year corp. and thinks its normal to have big cheques handed to them. 500,000?

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