Allow farmers to deliver rabies vaccine says dairy farmer

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If qualified farmers were able to vaccinate their own animals against rabies more barn cats would be given their regular shots, says dairy farmer and Chatsworth Deputy Mayor Bob Pringle.


Our neighbours to the south have been able to vaccinate their own animals against rabies for years. Our veterinarians have made a very healthy living from dispensing drugs. The health of my animals could never be judged by a 15 minute chit chat in a clinic. Yes they are trained professionals.
I observe my animals every day, eating habits, behaviour , bowel and urine activity. I have hunting dogs and know their behaviour better than any Vet.
I'm not prepared to spend the ridiculous amount of money to pay for kennels, ceramic floors, technicians etc and all the other frills. There are clinics that provide a minimum charge , at the door appropriate fee. However " Big Brother" and peer pressure is drawing that to a close.
When I need a veterinarian I am prepared to pay for their expertise. If I need a pharamcy we have lots of those.

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