Another egg grading dispute headed for court

© AgMedia Inc.

The province’s third largest grader has squared off against all of the key players in the Ontario industry


One has to ask:

1. Who are the real victims and who are the villians?

2. Have all the key players been identified?

The Judge has a huge task to tackle.

Depending how this case is handled, it could set the legal, workable and political bar how future agriculture operates.

1.Will true justice rule or be over ruled by back room politics?

2. Will farm organizations demand exposure of guilt and they themselves act accordingly with no insider deals? Who is watching Farm leader accountability?

3. Will complete Audits of OMAFRA abd FPMB be done both finicial and management judgements to bring back bed rock trust?

4. Will the Good old boy groups or whatever be exposed if proved under law, or swept under the carpet?

The real victims are, of course, consumers because nobody in this sordid farce is looking out for their interests at all.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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