Audit shows more investigation needed says farmer

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The results of an audit on Agricorp show some serious deficiencies and should be followed up with an investigation into how such a situation could have developed, says a Lindsay area farmer.


The cost attributed to one file handled by the feds is approx 700.00 Leona wants to claim that agricorp is doing the job for 500.00 ....except The auditor points out that the complicated application forms require an average of 500.00 of accounting fees paid by the farmer in addition!

So in effect we pay 1000.00 to process files for a program that fails to have more that 50% of the files checked done right!! When paying fed income tax or GST there is no negotiating that we can pay several years late without penalty. We are expected to get it right and we should expect no less of a minister "for" agriculture bp

Hmmmm. Agricorp is processing CAIS applications for $230 less than the Federal Government and only getting half of them wrong. If Agricorp wants to sub out the administration of this program to me, I couldn't guarantee that any of them would be correct, but I'd do them for $250 per application. Seems like good value to me.

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