Report shows improvement in Ontario honeybee colony winter survival rates

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Story makes one go Hhmmmm wonder what the problem really was . Not sure much has changed as far as neonics but think maybe education of bee keepers has helped . They are livestock and need to be taken care of properly .

I have seen the bees come back, from non-existant sightings for 7 years, in Haldimand County, on my farm just this last 2 years..The Eastern half of Haldimand County had suffered as much as 95% die-offs in over-Wintering colonies..
The closing of the Coal-Fired Generating plant in Nanticoke, may have had a significant impact on the general health of the bees themselves.. I loved seeing them cover the dandelions on the front lawn again.., the first time in many years..

I thing if the farmers leave more honey in hivers make Bees strong in winter.

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