Canada’s milk industry delivers cheese relief

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The big question is would this have came to be if not for the december quota cut. Globally, dairy sales are increasing 2.4% per year. They are realizing that they are pricing themselves right out of the market.

I've been reading with interest, the columns wrote by Ian Cumming. He points out that the Chinese have been able to buy dairy farms in Canada without purchasing quota. They are in turn allowed to export that milk back to China.

There's no evidence to support these allegations. All milk produced from licensed dairy farms falls under the supply management system.

This milk never enters the market in Canada and is, therefore, completely outside the jurisdiction of the supply management system. Furthermore, it is both an embarrassment, and a disgrace, to think that this is a market which Canadian dairy farmers could have met, and therefore kept the profits in Canada, if they weren't so welded to the idiocy of supply management. If there was a Saturday Night Live for agriculture, this lunacy on the part of the Canadian dairy industry would definitely be on it.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

So I can be a dairy farmer, I just have to work for a foreign government on Canadian soil. But hey, don,t have to buy quota.

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