Canada’s new draft code of practice for pigs promotes three key changes

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I like warm ham with maple syrup and I think of the flesh of pork coming from a cross between beef and chicken as they have vitamins and protein coming from both. I hope we humans come ahead of animal welfare rights when it comes to jobs, economy or hunger. I'm allergic to nuts, shellfish, milk and most any other non-mammal with the exception of chicken and scaly fish which are currently sold in stores. I don't need to take extra vitamin B12 anymore.

After 40 yrs. raising hogs I think all the producers left do an excellent job of animal care and welfare. Especially the last 10 yrs. producers have been really diligent about animal welfare. Rules won't stop the "bad guys" or satisfy animal husbandry critics for long as they just move too the next issue. I suspect that in 10 yrs. Canadians will just get there pork from Brazil. Some numbers being tossed around is Ontario has less than 1,000 commercial producers who own the pigs in there barns to-day...lets just go back to using common sense-kg kimball

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