Certification program aims to produce ractopamine-free pork

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Ractopamine is to Russia, what COOL is to the USA. Russia plays games in an effort to thwart free trade. I recall quite a few years ago a well known agricultural building company going to Russia to offer advice and aid in building barns. This is the thanks they get. Protectionism lives on. Sad

It's not just Russia, it's also China and Europe. Pay attention to Smithfield's...they have over half their pork now paylean free. While most other farmers are wasting time whining, Smithfield's is giving the customer what it wants. They'll be the ones laughing all the way to the bank. It's a global market place whether you like it or not. We have to compete...unless you're in supply management.

Just hours after the US passed the Magnitsky Act, which is legislation that punishes Russian officials linked to human rights violations, these non-tarriff barriers were announced. Yes, I said US, but of course they would apply them to Canada also, or else it would be hard to deny allegations that this is not a political, non-tarriff measure. The Russians want to be self sufficient in feeding its own population. The George Morris Center recently did a study on this,(google it) and revealed that the price of Ractopamine free pork in Russia is almost double that of the prevailing price. Whether it is right or wrong to use Ractopamine is being used as a red herring. I don't think it is acceptable that we pay double for supply managed food in Canada, and I also don't think it is acceptable that the average Russian consumer should have to pay double because of anti-trade related political issues. We will comply, I have already been handed the paperwork, but don't be surprised to see more red tape of this nature thrown at us in the future. Raube Beuerman, Dublin, ON

Russian protectionism means they are 80 years behind the times, and it's no excuse for us doing the same things - we are supposed to have been the beneficiaries of economic progress, yet, we in agriculture, keep acting like we have learned nothing about economics in the past 150 years.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

The Ontario pork industry is disgusting. I thought the customer was supposed to be right. That stringy crap full of what is basically poison should be banned.

Why should they allow a drug like that in any food period. Sounds like they want to protect their people , we should have all drug free food. If you like your food drugged and think it,s Protectionism guess we have a big problem in our world.

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