CFFO responds to Tribunal decision

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So it looks like there has been some thing changed since 2011 and no one realized or clued in to it . Shame on the organizations for not falling in line . Also it just goes to show how stable funding has made them too secure about their future .
Wake Up Call !!

We have the NcGinty closing the legislture and other things not completely kosher. Now we have farm organizations screwed up, It is time to bring all the dity crap out and stop the buddy buddy affairs. But i doubt you will fix the human nature of the people farming or politicians without legal investigations with court actions

If the OFA doesn't make it they can just cry to Gov that they have supported the GEA to the enth degree and that alone should grant them forgiveness and accreditation status .

Well I am afraid that if nothing else with the ground swell of anti GEA support and more so wind turbines and the rising cost of hydro , the lack of a good full and complete RMP program that they so much claim they got for farmers that OFA might find it rather hard for members to keep supporting them in the future .

One thing that OFA has failed to realize is that when you start to base the memberships on the "value" of the member benefits and not the work or representation that you do of and for your members you are doomed to fail .

Further when it comes to the GEA ... To me OFA sold out not only farmers but all of Rural Ontario . Shame on them and I hope they get what they have coming .

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