CFIA invites comment on food safety action plan

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Every single food product must be labeled with information to let citizens know exactly what the product is. This includes the country of Origin (mandatory)whether it contains any GMO, and the precise nutrition information per serving as well as the WHOLE CONTAINER. No forgiveness for small amounts, to avoid false claims like "trans-fat-free" or "heart-healthy" etc. Remove the % of daily values, as these are completely inaccurate for 80% of the population. It is unconscionable that the present labeling system PREVENTS us from knowing what we are eating. Then, when the labels on food are accurate, CFIA must enforce testing by importers and distributors, and fine transgressors heavily.

You do realize that food products would have to double in price to do that don't you?Why do you think Organic food prices are double or triple conventional foods and it's not like that extra money would go to the farmers growing the food, the processors would pass those costs on to the consumers.That's not even getting into the WTO laws and regulations

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