Company’s financial woes a ‘shell shock’ to pepper and cucumber growers

© AgMedia Inc.

It will mean a shift to other crops and markets for some of the processing vegetable growers says one of those affected


trustee under the proposal, BDO Canada Limited, Strubs owes creditors $14.4 million, including $4.7 million to the Royal Bank of Canada, $434,806 to the Business Development Bank of Canada and about $3 million to a numbered company, 1743234 Ont. Inc. (c/o Howard Hanick of Toronto).

Buying and selling the pepper product, how could their debt get so big? May be if farmers could help by lowering their peper price.

Dont forget about Lakeside Packing Co. in Harrow. Now the strongest as well
as the oldest pickle and pepper (with over 100 products) company in existence in Ontario.Founded
in 1940 and going stronger than ever with exports to 14 different countries. Family owned and operated and 100% Canadian. Twenty years ago there were
9 pickle processors in Ontario and now only one left. I guess the old adage holds
true, "the strong will survive"! Lakeside with sales increasing at an astonishing
rate, will be 3x production this year. Their quality is the best!

Whoever just wrote that previous comment has got to do their research before making sweeping generalizations like "farmers could help by lowering their pepper price". What a joke. A 750ml jar of peppers retails for close to $3/jar. The pepper component costs the company around $0.15/jar.

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