Conference Board critical; dairy industry bristles

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Supply management prevents dairy producers from competing in new markets for milk products, says Conference Board of Canada report; why should farmers compete for prices that don’t meet costs of production, counters industry

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Beaulieu, and everone else in supply management, completely ignores the fact that, for over thirty years, supply managed farmers have been at an absolute advantage to every other group of farmers in Canada. If there's any "rehash" at all in this story, it's dairy farmers once again completely refusing to believe there is, or could ever be, a backlash against supply management in the farm community.

The Conference Board noted that under supply management, dairy farmers benefited at the expense of others. There should be no doubt whatsoever, that those "others" definitely included non-supply managed farmers.

We should expect future Conference Board reports to increasingly highlight this Balkanization of our farm community, as another significant black mark against supply management

If something is working, and people throughout the supply chain receive a relatively fair distribution of the wealth generated, why is anyone complaining?
Skewed distribution of wealth is what we see everyday, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Maybe what every sector needs is something to manage wealth distribution.

The dairy industry has demonstrated it sees nothing wrong with using demeaning and dismissive language, instead of meaningful dialogue, to support supply management. Whether, or not, one believes the Conference Board report about supply management, the Conference Board never once used terms like "propaganda", "rehash" or even "labour think tank". Yet, it is reported that the response from the Dairy Farmers of Canada did use these terms.

If anything, the fact that the Dairy Farmers of Canada would choose to resort to name-calling, instead of dealing with any of the many substantive issues raised in the report, simply validates the many concerns raised by the Conference Board.

Dairy farmers have no reason to be proud - in fact they should be completely ashamed of their condescending attitude.

I have often wondered what policy makers and politicians would think if they saw thousands of free enterprise farmers protesting supply management on parliament hill. The truth is non-supply managed farms can not compete with those who have it. Supply managed farms seem to have no trouble or conscience selling corn or beans as a sideline to their protected cash cow. Unfortunately they are driving up the prices of land and machinery etc, making it even harder for a farmer who needs to make a living selling globally.

Canadian farmers deserve a level playing field.

never heard one comment about the injustis to the consumer who is paying the highest prices in the world to feed their familys staples like milk and eggs.i guess as long as the farmer is living well thats all that matters.

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