Conference board report tackles ethanol

© AgMedia Inc.

Industry sponsored report dispels myths and contains intelligent research says GreenField Ethanol Inc. chairman


Ontario has a debt this year of 16 billion dollars , if the economy goes to hell everybody must tighten their spending including farmers. Farmers shouldnt look for help because the money is not there. Farmers should also realize that they have also been on a recklous speeding spree on land and approved by FCC

Sooner or later we are going to half to face the music on this $!0000.00 per acre ontario land and justify how it pays for itself. Will or shoulld there be debt review board with debt forgiven on this land. how does profit per acre pay the purchase debt off. Revenue Canada is going to be most interested and they should be in how farmers can purchase $10000 land and pay little Income Tax

Were is our economist on this?

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