Confusion reigns in bid to strip Ontario grower board of its marketing powers

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Kamenz does not look out for farmers. We need a new chair I would suggest Stephen from Huron, Webster or Thompson.

Mr. Webster and/or I would gladly do the job - he's the smart one while I'm the educated one. However, neither of us has any intention of listening to farmers whine (illegitimi non Carborundum) about the really-basic things they have deliberately chosen to ignore and that's pretty-much most farmers, all of the time, especially the ones who benefit from existing legislation which could, by definition, change at any time.

In the same way that Ian Cumming recently published a column about the adage - "You made your bed, now lie in it", Mr. Webster and I would both have a sign on our desks (clearly visible for all visitors to see) saying the exact same thing, and it should shorten the visits by farmers expecting us to "look out for them" when they can't and/or won't look out for themselves.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Im surprised BF allows that type of language on this site. Foul use of words in any language is still foul.

"illegitimi non carborundum" is a term frequently seen on paperweights and other office accessories, and is described as being "humorous and uplifting" and "sure to make you smile".

On the technical side of things, "Illegitimi" has no meaning in Latin and, therefore, since "illegitimi" isn't a word, "illegitimi non carborundum" cannot be considered a "foul use of words".

Therefore, the "foul use" of a word that isn't a word is as much of an impossibility as simultaneously being an economist and a supply management supporter.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Oh sure and maybe Donald Trump would be great for the job as well, he might be free come November.

Kamenz may be on to something with this "cleaner" talk, only in the end it will be the farmers that are taken to the cleaners!

Three words for the vegetable growers, corn,soybeans and wheat.Lets see how long the processing industry last without a supply.

Unfortunately, vegetable growers don't seem to understand that an adversarial system, such as the one currently used to price vegetables, creates adversaries and legitimizes and to some point even enshrines the culture of all things adversarial.

Even more unfortunately, the adversarial nature of what seems to be welded into the DNA of vegetable farmers can be seen in the ways in which and the number of times FPMC head, Geri Kamenz, is demonized and demeaned by his critics including Mr. Schuyler who should know better.

And, both sides can't be right - Geri Kamenz says the present system is the road to industry extinction while grower, David Epp, claims the end of the present system will cause the end of the industry. These views are so far apart that one side is not just wrong, but is horribly wrong and that's not good for anyone involved, and not good for anyone in agriculture.

One thing is clear, however, and it's that vegetable growers seem to relish being insulated and isolated in a declining industry, and that makes no sense to those of us who see isolation from the rest of the marketing channel to be archaic and unproductive.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

The way Mr Kamenz describes his role he will soon be up for domination as most un-liked by all sides. By Christmas all he will want is a hug, a 100,000 dollar a year hug.

Mr Kamenz does not stand up for farmers with the current pro. Government . Many changes need to happen on many Boards but Kamenz is not the person for the job.I remember talking to Mr Kamenz about truck speed limiters on older farm trucks. He did not like to be told of any concerns that did follow the government line. The same thing happens at the white bean board. Stephen Webster

OPVG do not realize that they are wearing a blindfold in who they are asking for help .
Geri is correct and being honest . You have to give him credit for leaving OFA and moving on to Farm Products . At least he knew he could not be a "cleaner" while representing/leading those who he was to clean unlike what we have witnessed lately .

When government, on behalf of all Ontarions, has an agenda to increase the size and scope of the agricultural processing sector, or at the very least prevent further systemic decline, it pays attention when, as noted by Geri Kamenz,

"all processors identify identify the current marketing structure is rigid and inflexible. It creates barriers and makes them uncompetitive...."

Of particular significance, and completely-damning to the position taken by vegetable growers, is that Kamenz used the word "all", rather than the words "some", "a few" or "many" when referring to vegetable processors.

If that marketing system description applies to processing vegetables, it applies, in spades, to supply management, not just because of national barriers but also because of inter-provincial barriers.

Supply management proponents have, therefore, every reason to distrust government claims of continued support for their rigid, inflexible and un-competitive marketing system.

We do live in exciting times!

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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