Couple withdraws land severance application

© AgMedia Inc.

The application, in Huron County, triggered protest from many in the local farm community


The school closest to this property, the school my children and Ginn's children attended, is scheduled to close because of declining enrolment.

Why should agriculture for a just a few farmers being more important than schools for everyone?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton, ON

Perhaps it is time for a review of MDS and right to farm. As long as agriculture has to play second fiddle to the rights of residential property owners in rural ontario the hollowing out will continue.
How about it OFA?

David Lyons

Rural residential property owners are playing second fiddle to farmers, not the other way around. Giving farmers the "right-to-farm" was intended to give farmers some balance, not the right to trample over everyone else.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

I'm a mother of 2, divorcing. I reside in a 54 acre parcel in Elgin C, deemed "prime agricultural land". My ex husband whom I have separated with peacefully has offered to try to sever 5 acres of our land fir me to build on, so our family can " keep the farm" and the kids can have both parents close by on the only home they've ever known. This land is less than 50% farmed, the parcel I want to sever is wooded and never has been farmed and as long as I own the farm, never will be. So tell me, OFA, and OMB supporters, why do you have no exemptions and why are you protecting land over the future of the welfare of the people of your communities? My husband's family has roots that go further back in my community than any OFA policy. I'm listening:

How did this end up...?

You will have a long wait .
Also just because it is policy does not mean it is correct or even current for todays world .
Further where would they put all the wind turbines if they have houses all over the sacred need to protect farm land ?

We have had a long battle with our municipality and the MMAH regarding the ridiculous restrictions of the Provincial Policy Statement. We have 22 acres of prime agriculatural land that we are no longer using for our horses and our neighbor, a dairy farmer and crop farmer, would very much like to buy it and farm it so it does not go to neglect. Our properties are adjacent at the back of our property and no one would be negatively affected by this. I guess it was ok. for them to allow a solar farm on 200 acres of prime agricultural land down the road from us but this was rejected. Is there an online petition to get the province to change the rules to what makes common sense? I have voiced my opinion to every level of government but they all pass th buck.

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