Court case highlights animal welfare issues

© AgMedia Inc.

Producer wonders whether federal charges against Brampton, Ontario poultry producer will be used to undermine public’s confidence in farming


I don't respect most animal welfare people but in the chicken delivery situation they might have a point. If a certain percentage of chickens have to suffer and die whenever it gets cold maybe we have to change our thinking and the way the processors get their chickens

Not only does the welfare of the animals suffer, but the stress to the animal caused by poor ventilation also causes the animals to release toxins that affect the quality of the meat. So its in the best interest of everyone to improve transportation equipment and vehicles.
Quite simply trucks need to be designed to provide better ventilation for the chickens regardless of the weather. And they need to do this cost effectively by thinking about the design of the truck and its air flow dynamics.

If this issue gets too expensive the farmers may find it is most economical to dispatch the bird on farm and landfill them. Like they do in other provinces. Cfia rules do not cover dead birds. Also dump trucks are a lot easier to get than climate controlled poultry trucks.

I am your average 'consumer', with a family who enjoys a good 'meat and potatoes' meal. After reading the article in the Toronto Star about the Maple Lodge Farms offences and now your interesting comments, I realize how naieve I have been. I am horrified to know that the many hundreds of meals I have prepared in my lifetime, may have consisted of poultry and other farm animals that may have been abused brutally in transport to the slaughter house. It saddens me to know that this takes place after the creatures, in many cases, have given generously of their own eggs/milk/offspring. I thought Canadian laws protected these animals! In my own case, ignorance was bliss.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, no pun intended when it comes to how our food animals are treated. As for the comment that farmers do care, yes they care about wringing every last penny our of every body possible. Go on the internet and learn about how food animals are treated. Also know that the big Agricultrural companies are trying to make people who expose the truth of how factory farming abuses the animals, the workers and the enviroment to be called terrorists and be proscected as such. Theresa Nolet

It is certainly an eye-opening experience to read what is happening here in Canada - a country (I once believed) which is well-known for the humane treatment of people and animals.

I shiver to think of how these birds are delivered in cold weather with little regard as to how they will suffer on the trip.

Living in this country, I can relate to the cold. I realize that the bird's final estination is the frying pan, but for it is beyond me why they have to inhumanely suffer on their road there.

Instead of saving money and worrying about the backlash from consumers, would in not make more sense to demand that the truckers provide safe transportation rather than save the dollar and lose the market.

Think about the positive publicity, Maple Lodge Farms, if you insisted on proper transportation. I know that I would knowingly support your products if you were to change your policies.

I can't abide the manner in which the animals are treated and suffer. My family and I have stopped eating ANY MEAT or EGGS now for the last 3 years, which includes packaged foods and restaurants..this is harder than it sounds as eggs are in a lot of products (including our dogs food) but we're very diligent. We only buy our chicken and eggs if one of us can go to the farm/producer in question and see it for our self (which isn't easy) but we feel if we're going to kill and eat an animal we need to treat it with some dignity. I am sorry if this sounds silly to some folks, but we believe in it enough to change our entire lifestyle. The Simpson Family.

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