Court strikes down tribunal decision

© AgMedia Inc.

Ontario’s Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal is told to take another look at a group of former milk producers’ request to be exempted from paying quota transfer assessment

UPDATE: Mon. Oct. 26, 2009 2:08 PM


“The tribunal then granted exemptions to them without stating any reasons why these particular dairy farmers should be treated differently from all other dairy farmers subject to the November, 2006 quota policy.”

I have a letter from the former Minister of Agriculture Steve Peters stating that all dairies are treated equally under the milk act

Through the freedom of information act I have information that

Beatrice did not meet the policy demands of the FPMC and this went on for five years with full support from the OMMB ---Beatrice is still available even though there company.

I created the IDIA a group of small milk plants in Ontario that wanted to be heard on policy issues and became the government affairs spoke person
I received a letter concerning the same policy as Beatrice and was given fifteen days to conform and the milk board stopped shipping milk to my plant

So why do all farmers have to be treated equal and every one is welcome to my information from the freedom of information act that clearly shows corruption

still one vote

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