Deal with Japan better than Trans-Pacific Partnership?

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Japan and Canada ready to negotiate deal that may be easier to achieve and more beneficial, trade consultant argues


This isn't that complicated to predict. The 10% supply management farmers don't want anything to do with it and the 90% non-supply management farmers need these markets and want these markets.
This Trans Pacific partnership has been called potentially the "biggest trading block on the planet". We can't afford to pass this opportunity by.
“Supply management has not stood in the way of Canada’s ability to successfully negotiate trade agreements in the past and it is unlikely to do so in the future.”
Since Wally Smith isn't a trade negotiator and isn't a member of the gov't and is only representing DFC then we should compare his comment to former cabinet minister Manley's comment that we have missed opportunities because SM has been a stumbling block. SM is in the way with negotiations with the EU and already is getting in the way with the TPP.

FYI - Note that a Gazette notice on a potential Canada-Japan EPA was issued last February:

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