Decision on future of Ontario Pork goes political

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Minister overturns Tribunal decision that breathed life back into the province’s pork marketing board putting producer vote in doubt

photo: Carol Mitchell


The big question is who is pulling carol mitchell string. If she wants to represent agriculture and the producers in her riding she will do the right thing. If she is being influenced by the bureaucrats in her department that feel their power is being eroded by the tribunals decision she will do the wrong thing. To say the tribunal does not understand the farm products marketing act is a joke. The problem is they understand it better than the commission and she should be reviewing the make up of the farm products commission and put people in there who understand and are working to improve agriculture's position and not there for thier own political reasons

put sad she does this on the last day of the review period

--will the McGuinty gov't leave any positive things too say about them when they get booted out of office next year???surely not anything good from Pork producers unless they initiate a plan like Quebec has..must be killing OP to keep up with this BS....I feel they would be happy too see beef and pork guys gone and those ones just can work at Tim Hortons serving coffee...........a peeved long time liberal supporter

Carol Mitchell better think this decision out very carefully. Does she rule in favor of the vocal minority and bureaucrats who got the "feelings hurt" by the Tribunal "rapping their knuckles" or does she stand up and represent her constituents and let the Tribunal's decision stand.

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