DFO’s new entrant program requires applicants to advance cash

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How many of those 45 are in somewhat healthy shape? I only know two new entrants personally, they're both teetering on the edge of insolvency and in much worse financial shape than they were before they "won" the lottery

Using the term "lottery" is also an example of the "ultimate in cheekiness" on part of the dairy boards. The only 2 reasons these programs exist is for propaganda and so that a few wannabe celeb's from the DFC can go on TV and have an answer to the question "what do you have to say about barriers to entry in the supply management system?" I don't think I am mistaken to suggest that there are less dairy farmers every year even with this program. If you are reading this and have applied, or are thinking about it, I highly recommend you reconsider. Keep your $10G Raube Beuerman, Dublin, ON

All of the new entrant programs were born of a desperate need to meet the well-justified criticism that supply management was becoming an aristocracy where the only way to get into it was to be born into it. Of course these new entrants are "teetering" - how could they be anything else unless they had a favorite uncle give them the initial quota they needed to get started? Anywhere else but in the cloistered world, and double-think world, of supply management, this program would be seen as child abuse.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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