Different policies for different sized farms?

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Census show bulk of production is in relatively few hands but governments develop ‘one size fits all’ policies says ag thinker


When I started farming I was hoping too gross $100,000 and now we are a million + a year as well as our inputs exceed a million a year . With livestock issues and and ethanol push farms have consolidated and expanded at a rapid rate . Neighbors are now competitors and unless farm economy falters badly the end is near for "family farms". The farms may still be family owned but labor will be hired and owner will just be a manager of capital and labor . Government programs as a whole helps the wealthy build more wealth and diminish risk. Every government payment gets turned into land prices or more equipment. There is a never ending thrust to get bigger or go home . With capital requirements too start a farm to day you have too inherit or marry it. As I plan to exit ag production and retire it will be good too me but can the next generation be comfortable owing millions in debt . What is big here is small in Brazil so where it ends we don't know. Take time too enjoy the spring . A Southwestern Ontario Farmer

Quite interesting to see this high priced land in Ontario and corn farmers buying $150000 -200000 CORN PLANTERS AND NEEDING $175000 tractors to pull the planters. Interest rates can not go lower, the free ride could be ending

The size of farms getting massive and the small farmer is next to nothing. The farms were getting bigger for along time thanks to big equipment and people coming from other countries with lots of money. We are a small farm by today standards and through the years we had tough times and they were great times. For the ones that wants to farm today and can,t afford too,its to bad there is alot of fun and different learning that you can,t get in the city.
I think the farming can never go back to what it was back 20 + years ago.

We already have a double standard in how government treats farmers - it's called supply management, and all it has done is pit farmers against one another. Just ask any non-supply managed farmer under the age of 35. Government, and agriculture, would be better-served by getting rid of the double standards we have now, instead of creating more.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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