Dollars to boost ginseng

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Ontario’s ginseng growers net federal funds to promote their crop


Since China seems to be able to grow things like apples far-cheaper than we can, why can't they grow their own ginseng, and do it far cheaper than we can?

Ginseng is, at best, just another price-driven commodity, and why would anyone, or any government, half-way around the world, want to compete on price with people who can beat us every time, in addition to not having to pay the type of transportation costs we have to pay to get the product to their market?

Are we not just setting ourselves up for a disaster even bigger than tobacco itself?

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Unfortunately Stephen your are missing the keys to the Ontario Ginseng crop.

North American Ginseng works differently in the body as a heat reduction ie. "Yin" Asian Ginseng works to increase body heat, ie "Yang"
Of North American growing regions, Ontario has taken the cultivation to a new level with its own variety and cultivation practices that have been copied but never duplicated. Much in the same way Ontario farmers do a better job of IP soybeans.

Dan Denniss, Fingal, ON

If I'm one of the billion or so Chinese who've grown up with "Yang" ginseng, what's the attraction, other than oriental superstition, of "Yin" ginseng?

I wish ginseng growers well, but it still doesn't appear to be the business to be in, if you have a nervous banker.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

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