Dryers cheaper to buy than to certify

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when farmer cannot get credit because silly rule govering credit unions how do they expect farmer to come with kind of money for crop dryers and the puting up of new bins we need less regulation as it is forcing many smaller producers out of business more credit being handle outside the major banks 3 farmers i know are borrowing abroad as they are unable to get credit in this province for less than 7% foreign money is avaible at 4% stephen webster blyth ont

Is this Mr webster, the Wbster we remember your effort and time spent on picket protest by yourself in Toronto Queens Park, if so, you worked hard. When we farmers look back,,,,,, Have we learned anything of value
The boom bust economic cycles could be saying dont borrow to the hilt your money, if we have another economic bust , should we bail them out?
I believe there is a farmer in usa that recently had to declare money problems, assets 1M,,, libilities 50M and growing

It all come down to the big gets bigger and the small gets stepped on. The whole world is the same if you managed to have gotten large you get the money at a better interest the things you need at a huge discount and there is no care for the small guy just give me your money .They can bring in all the rules and regulations you want , they still can get even bigger without being stopped.

yes it is the stephen webster who spent the time in queens park i have today a farm that has triple invalue to over in flated land values the machinery and corn on hand is worth more than my total debt today and there is not a bank or credit union who would loan me dime today that is the truth stephen webster blyth i am do worry for self but others that work with i spent 3 weeks in jamicia seeing the results on the poor and how the farm labour program makes a difference i am personaly sponsoring a mechanic and his wife who is a registered nurse i guess i am a little disapointed today in the local credit union in the spring when went in to redo my morgage and thought had a $200,000 operating line and ended up with $10,000 i had a neighbour come to me a greed to supply my barn for him to put pigs in when had no home for them and spent$30,000 converting the barn and filled a silo full of corn i thought i had the rest of the corn sold last minute on approx dec 17 did not all the elevaters were full so the corn was at less than 17% moisture acc would tough me becausae of my credit rateing so went credit union a local accountant did my books on sunday while i went out chirstmas .i tooks the books in monday into the crdit union on monday they said no loan i informed i would not have sign the morgage with them in april if had know i would have a operating loan i asked is as they did as promised in april if could pay loan off early they said NO the reason i am upset is i borowed mony from people to put crop in i told them would pay them off by the end of year i want sell some corn will back in march wanted i have $3,500,000 assets today and less than $700,000 in debt i made $200,000 this year not including the increase in land values when jamicia live in private home the people were impresed i was not afraid to go anywhere the mechanic was third top in his class and i seen feed hogs on the side on a littlke grass he worked nigt as security guard while going to school i made sure his school fes and cost to come canada was paid he and his wife to be will cosign and loan i hopeing to get money at 6% it is very important to me to be able to therigt thing what said i would i may end refinanceing but is not soon enough i need to sell $50,000 to $100,000 corn before the end of year sorry my key board sticks a lot stephen webster i wish every body a merry chirstmas

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