Dutch greenhouse peppers were really cheap

© AgMedia Inc.

This week marks the release of the Canadian Border Serves Agency reasons for supporting Ontario greenhouse growers’ claims that Dutch peppers were dumped in Canada


Nonsense to it all - if something sells for $1, then that is its value. All of those people who claim the value is, for example, $3, are completely out to lunch. If its value was $3, it would have sold for $3, not $1.

The Canadian pepper industry is being wilfully-stupid - if Dutch pepper growers are willing to sell product for a certain price, why should Canadian consumers be deprived of the chance to buy those products, and at a lower proce, solely to coddle Canadian producers who aren't prepared to compete?

What this article fails to mention is WHY didn't any of the Dutch Exporters respond to the request for info? Because they don't care ! It is the Canadian marketers that are importing these peppers. And they will continue to do so, they will simply have the product delivered to their US warehouses thus avoiding the duty. The end result will be Canadian peppers will be sold primarily in Canada, for lower dollars, thus ending up with less $$ in the Canadian growers pocket!

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