Eastern Ontario chicken producers win epic legal battle with CFO

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If we ditched supply management, none of this nonsense would have ever happened because every producer would be free to sell to the buyer of his/her choice. It's only under the Kremlin-style rules of supply management, that this sort of completely-wasted legal expense could have ever happened. In economics, it's called a "drag cost" because it's a cost which serves only to defend legislated entitlements in the first place, and, of course, it's just another cost which is eventually borne by the consumer. Maybe now that the Dairy Farmers recently lost a pivotal, and no-doubt expensive, case involving pizza topping mixes, and now that the Chicken Farmers have lost their own hugely-expensive David-and-Goliath case herein, supply management farmers will start to see supply management as the albatross, and the complete-bully, that it really is.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

It is quite incredible that the chicken farmers in Ontario have lost the right to process chicken in Ontario because of the linguistic rights of the Quebec processors to operate in French only. Also the milk marketing quota that gives Quebec 70% of the milk quota has stopped Chobani, a Greek yoghurt plant, from setting up in Windsor by not allowing a guaranteed supply of milk. Why is this situation (Quebec farmers being allowed to force Ontario farmers into submitting to actions that benefit only Quebec farmers?)

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