Eight new hunger strikers join Michael Schmidt

© AgMedia Inc.

The embattled Durham area dairy farmer also faces charges in B.C.


hunger strike wont work, remember the farmer thet picketed queens park, slept in a car for weeks when Ontario farmers were protesting. It did not work

About 30 years ago, farm activist, Allan Wilford, went on a hunger strike while, I believe, in jail in Stratford - while some may say the results were inconclusive, this activism got Wilford into law school, and, the last time I had contact with him, he was practising law in the Grey/Bruce area.

On the other hand, considering that over 60% of Canadians are overweight, and about a quarter of us are obese, (my suspicion is that farmers are overweight and/or obese in even greater percentages than the general population) we should all be going on a hunger strike.

Stephen Thompson, Clinton ON

Wow, I'm SOOO glad there's an expert on obesity and overweight commenting here. Hunger strike should work eh? Hmmm.. lots of people I know that have tried to lose weight have had semi starvation diets that mimic the effects of complete starvation, but eventually they gained it all back.

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the point of the strike is not to lose weight, the author's comment was simply to point out that we in Canada tend to over indulge and a fast here and there certainly doesn't hurt anyone! it makes us realize how little we actually need to survive :)

That comment about farmers probably being more overweight than the general population was totally uncalled for. The farmers I know work hard and their bodies reflect that. Hunger striking has nothing to do with weight-loss.

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