The end of the family tobacco farm

© AgMedia Inc.

Critic says transition program affects ‘the very structure of the family enterprise’

Photo: Larry Martin

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Our family has been growing tobacco for 67 consecutive years, we were thinking about retiring this year and our son was going to take over. With this buy out none of this is posssible now.

The government has taken away the family enterprises which took 3 and 4 generations to build up. My quota was taken from me by ultimatum. My markets have been given to smugglers and foreigners. My equipment has been made worthless. The only thing which is truly mine is debt.

And what have the government bureaucrats accomplished? The price of cigarettes is way down. Check at any reserve. Smoking rates are up. Youth smoking rates are up. Smugglers don't check for ID. A new generation of smokers has been created. The cigarette companies are foxier than you suspected.

So, the tobacco farmer is broken. Congratulations government, you have done it. Unfortunately, you lost the war on smoking which was your prime objective.

Ag Canada is even cutting off the final CAIS payment. Thanks for kicking us when we are down. You are a fine group of compassionate human beings. And the province can take a bow as well. By not paying for your 40% share, you have destroyed any hope of transition. I hope that you plan to buy a retirement property in the blowing sand dunes of Elgin and Norfolk. It will soon return to the desert that it was before tobacco. Even my former employees who transitioned to the auto sector are out of work. After 3 generations, we have a lot of former employees.

And for you supply management groups who sat by smugly while the tobacco board was dismembered, I have it on good authority that Harper is coming for you next. Guess which group he will attack first?!

From where I sit there is more evidence that the farmers that have accepted the transition payments, and then gone back into tobacco production, have robbed the government (read taxpayers). Tobacco has had its day and there has been 40 years of warning for the industry. Yes, there are other illegal sources but two wrongs don't make a right.

Goverment has taken away everything that involes tobacco. Weve been growing for 78 years and we wanted to hand the farm to my son now its not possible.

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