Environmental Protection Agency rules ethanol is green

© AgMedia Inc.

But will U.S. decision boost ethanol use in Ontario?

photo: Tom Cox


The ethanol industry still doesn't want to admit the horribly adverse effect ethanol has had, and is still having, on the livestock sector.

There's no possible way that having one-third of all US (and Ontario) grown corn go into ethanol, and not be harmful to feed purchasers, yet that's what corn producers, and their ethanol allies, would lead us to believe.

We're still going to have either an ethanol industry in Ontario, or a hog industry, but not both.

It appears that, almost entirely because of corn ethanol, the costs of feeding hogs on barley rations in Western Canada, are hugely favourable to the costs of feeding hogs on corn rations in Ontario.

Therefore, is it any wonder that a huge percentage of hog farmers taking the recent industry buyout were from Ontario, and that ethanol-driven feed prices had a significant impact on their decision?

Ontario corn farmers need to start asking themselves - "What is ethanol doing to all of our traditional customers?" before ethanol is not just one-third of their sales volume, but double that amount.

"the law of unintended consequences
Submitted by an online visitor on February 12, 2010 - 8:07pm.
The ethanol industry still doesn't want to admit the horribly adverse effect ethanol has had, and is still having, on the livestock sector"

Livestock is a major emitter of greenhouse gases. In the US it's claimed to surpass even the combined emissions of private cars and public transport. If ethanol can make a dent in the livestock sector, then it's carbon footprint should be sure recalculated.

Much has been written about the erroneous conclusions regarding the pig people's problems and why they are up a tree when they blame corn prices.

Get off your ass and market your product. What happened to "Pork on Your Fork" and other promotions. You havelet your industry die while you bleat like sheep over the wrong issue.

When corn was 2 bucks, no body gave me free bacon. And seems to me you bitched then too you were losing money.

Get with the times. All I eat now is turkey "bacon" . A lot of people feel the same.

What ever happened to the idea of spreading your risk? Your Grandfather did not ride the same pig into the poorhouse as you guys seem to want to do.

I am glad for the Corn Farmers that the EPA Reversed the previous lie by the California Idiot Greens where they said that Corn Ethanol had no Carbon Reduction. I still think the Corn Farmers should sue the CA EPA for those lies and loss of Business. While I think Corn Ethanol was a good temporary Oxygenate, I do not think we should continue to give the full credit to Corn Ethanol and I definitely do not think we should ruin everybody’s car with E15. Are you people nuts? All you think about over there is profits for the Corn Farmers. America will hate you if you try to shove E15 down our throats. Make the cars E15 FFV before you do then I will support E15. In fact, make the Auto companies come up with a E15 FFV Modification Kit and I will buy it. But DO NOT SHOVE E15 DOWN OUR THROATS OR YOU WILL BE HATED WORSE THAN LYING OBAMA. I think the Credit for Ethanol should be linked to the Percent Carbon Reduction. In the Case of Corn Ethanol, I believe it should get about 25 Cents/Gallon because it gets 25% Reduction. I think Sugarcane should get 85 Cents/Gallon because it gets 85% Reduction. Cellulosic if and whenever it gets here should get the same.

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